Rosalind Barker

"I don't understand' 2015 Pencil on tissue paper. Float framed. Frame 60 x 90 cm.

'I don't understand' Detail

'I don't understand' in situ MA Drawing postgraduate show 2016. Main reception foyer. Wimbledon UAL

Events from January and February 2016. Double sided concertina book. 21 x15 cm x10 metres.

Pigment fine line drawings of media news images and musings from the artists life, over a two month time frame.

Rubbings of art materials and domestic implements

Graphite experimental drawings using different techniques. Reading left to right. Line in 3B, line in HB. Rubbing in 6B graphite crayon and rubbing in HB graphite stick. 50 gsm paper 59 x 42 x 3 cm. 2016

Detail. Compressed graphite drawings using rubbing (left) only line to raise the surface (Right) 50gsm paper 59 x 42 x 3 cm.